The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries. It is home to 2.5 billion people, and includes both advanced economies and developing countries. 33 of our members are small states, including many island nations. Our member governments have agreed to shared goals like development, democracy and peace. Our values and principles are expressed in the Commonwealth Charter.

The Commonwealth Secretariat is the intergovernmental organisation that supports member countries to achieve the Commonwealth’s aims of development, democracy and peace. It publishes authoritative, evidence-based research and knowledge products for policymakers, academics, professionals and wider publics across the world. Our areas of focus and expertise include small and developing states; environment and climate change; democracy, law and government; and social issues concerning young people, gender, health and education.

Assessing the Playing Field

Camille Stoll-Davey

Full participation by small and developing countries in the financial services sector requires a "level playing field". This work analyses debates on this issue between the OECD and small and developing countries, and suggests ways to ensure fairness in international taxation matters.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850928563
  • Publication Date: May 2007
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Horticultural Chain Management for Eastern and Southern Africa

Ameliat Lombard

Designed to help trainers develop suitable materials to assist small farmers and producers to supply high quality horticultural produce for sale. This title provides the trainer with practical tasks that reinforce and enhance comprehension of theoretical training.

  • Format: Spiral bound
  • ISBN: 9780850928594
  • Publication Date: Mar 2009
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Gender and Trade Action Guide

Catherine Atthill

The Action Guide is flexible and can be used by trainers or for self-study. It includes case studies, activities, training suggestions and recommended readings provided on CD-ROM and can be used as a basic introduction or as a resource to develop capacity building for others.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850928624
  • Publication Date: Jun 2007
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Excellent Online Science Teaching

Frances Karels

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780940017450
  • Publication Date: Sep 2019
  • Availability: Special order: Usually despatched within 14-18 days

Unheard Voices of the Next Generation

Sasha Toperich

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780960012718
  • Publication Date: May 2022
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Towards a Renewed Bretton Woods Agreement

Giovanni Tria

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780960012787
  • Publication Date: Jul 2021
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The CARIFORUM and Pacific ACP Economic Partnership Agreements

Christopher Stevens

A report on the CARIFORUM and Pacific ACP Economic Partnership Agreements that analyses the detailed implications for the economies of the countries involved of commitments signed or initialled, including an indication of the broad country and region-wide effects.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290005
  • Publication Date: Feb 2009
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Stop Vulture Fund Lawsuits

Devi Sookun

This handbook distils the key lessons on best practice in negotiating loan agreements, and responding to the activities of vulture funds - funds that buy up the debt of sovereign countries at a discount in the hope of making significant profit - for the benefit of all government officials who may have to deal with these issues.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290081
  • Publication Date: Jul 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Commonwealth Teacher Qualifications Comparability Table

James Keevy

Includes the comparability tables that offer country-country analysis of primary and secondary teacher qualifications offered in 35 Commonwealth countries.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290159
  • Publication Date: Feb 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The Global Financial Crisis and Trade Prospects in Small States

Massimiliano Calì

This is the first study to look at the trade effects on small states of the current global slowdown. Export industries in these countries have been affected at least as much as those of other developing countries. The authors suggest a number of policy responses for governments of small states which may help to address the issues that arise.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290265
  • Publication Date: Jun 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Transforming Society through the Extractive Industries

Daniel Dumas

Illustrated by case studies of good practice from across the Commonwealth, this book will help government decision-makers ensure that the extractive industries (dealing with the extraction of non-renewable natural resources - notably oil, gas and minerals) transform society for the better, while minimising the risk of instability and conflict.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290272
  • Publication Date: Oct 2010
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Integrating Sustainable Development into National Frameworks

Janet Strachan

This book brings policy-making for sustainable development into the mainstream of decision-making at all levels of governance and in all sectors. It builds on the 2005 internationally agreed 'Mauritius Strategy' which aims to implement the integration of sustainable development by small island developing states.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290340
  • Publication Date: May 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Assessing the Structure of Small Welfare States

Geoff Bertram

Examines how the characteristics of small states influence their pursuit of a welfare state. Many of the small states discussed have not previously featured in mainstream thinking about the relationship between country size and the extent of the welfare state.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290500
  • Publication Date: Mar 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Promoting IT Enabled Services

Nikhil Treebhoohun

Examines best practices of developing IT enabled trade in services. This handbook explains the key issues from the viewpoints of the regulator, the investor, the policy-maker and the donor. It provides detailed analysis of the Mauritian experience, which holds useful lessons for small states in particular.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290548
  • Publication Date: Dec 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Issues in Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Small Developing States

Anthony Birchwood

This study examines how monetary and fiscal policies are implemented in Caribbean small states, tracing the differences and similarities in tax structure, current expenditure and current revenues. It shows the impact of monetary policy on inflation and the importance of exchange rate regimes to the effectiveness of monetary policy in the region.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290616
  • Publication Date: Sep 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Issues in Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Small Developing States

T.K. Jayaraman

This study examines how monetary and fiscal policies are implemented in Pacific small states and suggests policy options that can be used by these countries.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290623
  • Publication Date: Oct 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days