Nordic-Baltic-American Cooperation

Kurt Volker

The broader transatlantic relationship is increasingly described in terms of crisis. The European Union as a whole is focused on financial crisis management. And there is disappointment in Washington over Europe's inability to step up as a more serious security partner.Meanwhile, the Nordic-Baltic region stands out as a stable, responsible and dynamic part of Europe. As net contributors to prosperity, foreign policy management, development assistance and security, the region shows that market democracy still works, that a positive outward vision of the world is still possible and that there is still important work ahead for the transatlantic institutions. In fact, the region offers a model of how to retain U.S. engagement in Europe.ContentsIntroductionExecutive SummaryChapter 1: A Europe Whole and FreeChapter 2: Embedding and IntegrationChapter 3: Russia and the EastChapter 4: Energy SecurityChapter 5: US EngagementAddendum: Nordic-Baltic-US Energy Cooperation: Any Progress Expected?Contributors include Urban Ahlin (MP, deputy chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Swedish Parliament), Per Augustsson (CTR), Erik Brattberg (CTR), Ian Brzezinksi (Atlantic Council), Matthew Bryza (former U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan), Veronika Wand Danielsson (Swedish ambassador to the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council), Daniel P. Fata (vice president, Cohen Group), Toomas Hendrik Ilves (president of Estonia), Jana Kobzová (European Council on Foreign Relations), Kadri Liik (International Center for Defense Studies of Estonia), Edward Lucas (Central and Eastern Europe correspondent for The Economist), Adam Daniel Rotfeld, (former minister of foreign affairs of Poland), Janis Sarts (state secretary, Ministry of Defense of Latvia), Andris Spruds (Latvian Institute of International Affairs), Tomá? Valá?ek (director of foreign policy and defense at the Centre for European Reform), Kurt Volker

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780984854479
  • Publication Date: May 2012
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia

Hans Binnendijk

The American pivot or rebalancing to Asia is a central tenant of U.S. President Barack Obama's national security strategy. It envisions shifting America's focus from decade-long stability operations in the Greater Middle East to a comprehensive approach towards Asia, a region of economic growth and political instability. Many in Europe have misinterpreted this strategy as a U.S. move away from Europe. The purpose of this volume is to correct this record and to suggest that Europe too has vital interests in Asia. The transatlantic partners share common interests in Asia and need more effectively to coordinate their efforts to deal with the complex and dangerous challenges presented in Asia. There needs to be a "Transatlantic Pivot," not just a U.S. pivot. This volume analyzes various elements of what this Transatlantic Pivot might look like, including institutional arrangements, security issues, economics, energy, the environment, transnational challenges, human rights, rule of law, and diplomacy. It suggests a new trilateral relationship between the U.S., Europe, and Asian partners designed to strengthen Asian institutions, solve global problems and resolve disputes peacefully.Authors from the U.S., Europe and Asia contributed to this volume, including: Hans Binnendijk, Tim Boersma, Jaime de Bourbon Parme, Cathleen Cimino, Patrick Cronin, Pieter Feith, Mircea Geoana, Daniel Hamilton, Christopher Hill, Robert Hunter, Karl-Heinz Kamp, Rem Korteweg, Michael Schaefer, Jeffrey Schott, Julianne Smith, Alexander Sullivan, Simon Tay, Abiodun Williams and Reuben Wong.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780989029476
  • Publication Date: Jul 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Turkey and Transatlantic Relations

Sasha Toperich

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772125
  • Publication Date: Mar 2018
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Conflict and Cooperation in Transatlantic Relations

Daniel S. Hamilton

In the wake of the transatlantic crisis over Iraq, are Americans and Europeans ready to forge a future together? Can the grand project of European integration be reconciled with a strategic reorientation of the transatlantic relationship to a global agenda? Or are Europeans and Americans destined to drift apart? The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation asked prominent authors from both sides of the Atlantic to look beyond tensions over Iraq to deeper trends affecting the relationship. This collection of their views provides a balanced and thoughtful look at the challenges ahead in transatlantic relations. Contributors include Samuel Brittan (Financial Times), Chester A. Crocker (Georgetown University), Konstanty Gebert (Gazeta Wyborcza and Midrasz), Guillermo de la Dehesa (CEPR), Philip H. Gordon (Brookings Institution), Eduardo Marçal Grilo (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), Daniel S. Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations), François Heisbourg (Fondation pour la Recherche Strategique), C. Randall Henning (American University), Paul Kennedy (Yale University), Fyodor Lukyanov (Russia in Global Affairs), Alain Minc (AM Conseil), Raúl Morodo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Jorge Sampaio (president of Portugal), Emílio Rui (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation).

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332542
  • Publication Date: Jul 2004
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

The United States of America and the European Union

Gerhard Wahlers

The United States of America and the European Union are partners in a world undergoing rapid changes. The need for cooperation based on trust requires better information about each other and permanent contacts with one another. In this book the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Johns Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations have asked authoritative personalities from the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament to share their insights. This book is also meant as an indispensable compendium of the major European institutions and a praxis-oriented handbook for establishing contacts with key European opinion leaders.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780978882129
  • Publication Date: May 2007
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Partners in Prosperity

Daniel S. Hamilton

One of the most dangerous deficits facing transatlantic relations today is not in trade, payments, or military capabilities. It is a deficit in understanding the vital stake Americans and Europeans have developed in the health of their economic relationship. Globalization is happening faster and reaching deeper between Europe and America than between any other two continents. The transatlantic economy generates roughly $3.5 trillion in total commercial sales a year and employs over 12 million workers in mutually "insourced" jobs. This book maps the increasingly dense web of investment, trade, and jobs that connects Europe's regions to America's states. It traces the impact of NAFTA and EU enlargement on transatlantic economic flows. It tracks intercontinental "connectivity" in the new knowledge economy, and it sets forth areas in which Europe and America continue to be global pathfinders. In the context of today's debates about globalization and transatlantic drift, this book offers some unanticipated and counterintuitive connections that have important policy implications.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332559
  • Publication Date: Jun 2004
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Russia File

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781947661035
  • Publication Date: Apr 2018
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Transatlantic Transformations

Daniel S. Hamilton

The United States is engaged in an ambitious agenda of defense transformation that is revolutionizing the way the U.S. military organizes, trains, fights, and even thinks about conflict. What impact will this have on America's European allies? How can NATO transform itself for the 21st century? This volume examines the implications of U.S. defense transformation for NATO, particularly how America and its allies can close the "transatlantic transformation gap"—a looming breach in strategic orientation, spending priorities, and conceptual and operational planning and training. It examines European approaches to defense transformations and charts the progress made by the Alliance from Kosovo to Kabul—while showing how far it still has to go. The authors approach the issue of NATO transformation from different perspectives. As a whole, however, their argument is straightforward. If Alliance transformation is to be successful it must include, but also go beyond, the purely military dimension. NATO must transform its scope and strategic rationale, its capabilities, its partnerships—its very ways of doing business. They offer a range of policy prescriptions for the NATO Summit in Istanbul and beyond. Contributors include Richard L. Kugler, Rob de Wijk, George Robertson, Yves Boyer, Jeffrey P. Bialos, Andrew James, Hans Binnendijk, Manfred Engelhardt and Stuart L. Koehl.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332511
  • Publication Date: Sep 2004
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Strategic Implications of European Union Enlargement

Esther Brimmer

Enlargement will change the nature of the European Union, but how will it affect international affairs? The EU and its member states command significant economic resources and have launched a Common Foreign and Security Policy. Yet the demands of taking on ten new countries, concluding a constitutional treaty to accommodate decisionmaking, and dissipating acrimony after the war in Iraq, all complicate efforts to develop and enhance the EU's international presence. This book considers the impact of enlargement with respect to the EU's perception of its international role in specific geographical regions. The contributors discuss a range of global issues, including the environment, food policies, development, terrorism, and the use of force. Contributors include Stefan Fröhlich (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg), Hanna Ojanen and Kristi Raik (Finnish Institute of International Affairs), Ulrike Guerot (German Marshall Fund Berlin Office), Stanislaw Tekieli (Center for Eastern Studies, Warsaw), Michael Leigh (European Commission Directorate General for External Affairs), Henri Barkey (Lehigh University), Anne-Marie LeGloannec (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales, Foundation Nationale des Sciences Politiques), Stanislav Tkachenko (St. Petersburg University), Nicolae Idu (European Institute of Romania), Ulrich Weisser, Esther Brimmer, Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, and David Michel, (Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins –SAIS), Daniel Gros (CEPS), Angel Ubide (Tudor Investments), Patrick Cronin (CSIS), and Antonio Missoroli (EU Institute for Security Studies).

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332580
  • Publication Date: Jul 2005
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Global Flow Security

Erik Brattberg

The Center for Transatlantic Relations and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs have brought together strategists and experienced practitioners from many different countries to explore how long-term global trends may impact the future of critical global flows–in areas such as energy, resources, IT and communications, trade, ideas, technology, finance, and illicit flows. Policy recommendations focus on how the European Union and the United States can work together to help ensure the continuity and maintenance of these critical global flows as we look towards 2030.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772019
  • Publication Date: Dec 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Role Reversal

Anne C. Richard

After Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast of the United States on the morning of August 29, 2005, offers of help from other countries poured in on the US Government. Not used to being a recipient of foreign aid, the federal government replied slowly and with mixed signals. This monograph tells the story of these foreign contributions and the U.S. response. Lessons from this experience suggest that plans for a vetting mechanism should be drawn up now so that it is widely understood before the next large-scale crisis hits. In addition, the international community should adopt a uniform list of goods for stockpiling and use in a crisis, and should meet to reach agreement on the best ways to respond to crises. Effective crisis response is an important part of national security.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780978882105
  • Publication Date: Aug 2006
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Advancing U.S.-Nordic-Baltic Security Cooperation

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772002
  • Publication Date: Oct 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Exiting the Cold War, Entering a New World

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781733733953
  • Publication Date: Dec 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Changing Identities and Evolving Values

Esther Brimmer

This book is part of CTR's Changing Societies series. The contributors offer perspectives on how underlying values affect government policies—from homeland security to religion and society. The book asks: are transatlantic relations affected not only by what governments and others are doing, but by what our societies are becoming? Contributors include Parvez Ahmad (Council on American-Islamic Relations), Michael Brenner (University of Pittsburgh), Esther Brimmer (Center for Transatlantic Relations), Alain Chouet (formerly of Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure), Jean François-Poncet (member of the French Senate),Tod Lindberg (Hoover Institution, Stanford University), Jean-Dominique Giuliani (Robert Schuman Foundation),Terri E. Givens (Center for European Studies, University of Texas), Daniel S. Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations), Christopher Kojm (9/11 Discourse Project),Alain Lamassoure (member of European Parliament), Jean Claude Monod (Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique and Ecole Normale Superieure), Richard Pells (University of Texas), Tom Petri (U.S. House of Representatives), Omer Taspinar (Brookings Institution), Bruno Tertrais (Strategic Research Foundation), and Karen Volker (U.S. Department of State).

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780976643432
  • Publication Date: Dec 2006
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Smart Power

Aude Jehan

Over the last decade, expensive and unpopular wars, recession, ballooning debt, and the rise of China and other regional powers have brought the limits of traditional power into focus. So far, Smart Power has been seen as the idea that an effective foreign policy must place principal reliance on a tailored synthesis of both hard and soft power and the precise mix depends on the circumstances.This timely volume underscores why "smart power" is still a clue for policymakers seeking to combine different tools within a coherent strategy. It also questions the practical and institutional challenges stand in the way of a true smart power approach. It underscores the need for the United States and Europe to pull all the levers of power and influence, including military, diplomatic, legal, cultural, energetic and technological. The authors introduce new approaches including the concept of spectral power, super-seeding the dichotomy of hard and soft power and urging the rethinking of the concept of smart power. The authors have held senior executive positions in the U.S. administration and governments in Europe.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780989029445
  • Publication Date: Oct 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Iraqi Kurdistan Region

Sasha Toperich

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772132
  • Publication Date: Sep 2017
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Paradigm Lost?

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781947661127
  • Publication Date: Apr 2022
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Defending the Gains?

Esther Brimmer

If a nation's fledgling democracy is in trouble, what should outsiders do? Esther Brimmer examines the effectiveness of U.S. and European responses when other countries' newfound democratic gains begin to erode. Brimmer asks tough questions about democracy promotion in transatlantic diplomacy. Is it actually helping to deepen democracy around the world? Efforts have focused primarily on ways to encourage democracy where it does not exist, or to consolidate democracy where it has taken hold. But what can and should the United States and Europe do when democracies infringe upon basic democratic principles, or there is a general erosion of democracy? Is there a role for outsiders when democracy is under threat? Should the U.S. and EU support democracy or just stability? Do they need to confront a backlash against democracy or "democracy promotion"?

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780978882112
  • Publication Date: Oct 2007
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days