Emerging Africa

Steven Radelet

Emerging Africa describes the too-often-overlooked positive changes that have taken place in much of Africa since the mid-1990s. In 17 countries, five fundamental and sustained breakthroughs are making old assumptions increasingly untenable:• The rise of democracy brought on by the end of the Cold War and apartheid• Stronger economic management• The end of the debt crisis and a more constructive relationship with the international community• The introduction of new technologies, especially mobile phones and the Internet• The emergence of a new generation of leaders.With these significant changes, the countries of emerging Africa seem poised to lead the continent out of the conflict, stagnation, and dictatorships of the past. The countries discussed in the book are Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Mali Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, São Tomé and Principe, Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286518
  • Publication Date: Sep 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days


Arvind Subramanian

Beleaguered by mutual recrimination between rich and poor countries, squeezed by the zero-sum arithmetic of a shrinking global carbon budget, and overtaken by shifts in economic and hence bargaining power between these countries, international cooperation on climate change has floundered. Given these three factors—which Arvind Subramanian and Aaditya Mattoo call the "narrative," "adding up," and "new world" problems—the wonder is not the current impasse; it is, rather, the belief that progress might be possible at all.In this book, the authors argue that any chance of progress must address each of these problems in a radically different way. First, the old narrative of recrimination must cede to a narrative based on recognition of common interests. Second, leaders must shift the focus away from emissions cuts to technology generation. Third, the old "cash-for-cuts" approach must be abandoned for one that requires contributions from all countries calibrated in magnitude and form to their current level of development and future prospects.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286679
  • Publication Date: Feb 2013
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Overcoming Stagnation in Aid-Dependent Countries

Nicolas van de Walle

In this book, Nicolas Van de Walle identifies 26 countries that are extremely poor and grew little if at all in the 1990s. His sample excludes North Korea and countries where civil war explains some of their failure to grow (Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tajikistan and others). The 26 countries have limited infrastructure and human capital and the small size of their markets deter private savings and investment. Aid was meant to help overcome these problems, and these countries received a lot. Yet they have failed to grow. What is wrong? Is foreign aid a solution or part of the problem? What changes might make aid more effective? Given these countries require the financial and technical resources of the West, why haven't aid programs made a difference? Van de Walle blames their economic failure mostly on the venality and incompetence of their political leadership. He analyzes the contradictions and tensions faced by the aid community in poorly run countries, providing a sobering analysis of the perverse effects of aid where the politics is all wrong. Too often, resources provided by foreign aid keep the wrong government in office, and undermine adoption of economic as well as political reforms. Bad government combined with aid, in short, hurts poor countries – and particularly the poorest people in those countries. Despite good intentions, little progress has been made in implementing announced "reforms" of the aid business itself. A constituency for reform is lacking, in the donor countries and in the recipient countries, where those in power benefit from the status quo.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286013
  • Publication Date: Mar 2005
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Exclusion, Gender and Education

Maureen A. Lewis

Girls have achieved remarkable increases in primary schooling over the past decade, yet millions are still not in school. In their previous book, Inexcusable Absence, Maureen A. Lewis and Marlaine E. Lockheed reported the startling new finding that nearly threequarters of the girls who are not in school belong to ethnic, religious, linguistic, racial, or other minorities. In this companion volume, they further analyze the determinants of school enrollment, completion, and learning in seven countries: the highly heterogeneous populations of Laos, China, Pakistan, India, and Guatemala and the homogeneous populations of Bangladesh and Tunisia. The authors find that in ethnically and linguistically diverse populations, minority groups—minority girls in particular— lag significantly behind the majority population in school attendance, while highly homogeneous populations like Bangladesh and Tunisia have successfully integrated girls into school on a par with boys. By increasing understanding about the major impediments to universal primary education, Exclusion, Gender and Education provides valuable new knowledge to those who are working to bring gender equity to the education systems of poor countries.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286228
  • Publication Date: Oct 2007
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Africa's Private Sector

Vijaya Ramachandran

Why is business performance lagging in Africa? To provide answers, this volume focuses on the day-to-day problems that private sector managers and entrepreneurs there encounter. Through enterprise surveys conducted in several African countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, these businesspeople identify poor infrastructure—particularly the lack of a reliable source of power—as a huge constraint on private sector activity.Politics also plays a key role in limiting the success of African businesses. Many countries there have private sectors that are ethnically segmented or dominated by ethnic minorities or both. Segmented networks in already sparse economic environments limit competition, encourage an ambivalent attitude toward facilitating a good business environment, and constrain the growth of firms outside the dominant network. Consequently, Africa has yet to see the emergence of a broad-based business class. Africa's Private Sector identifies several solutions to address both the infrastructure and political economy constraints hampering business growth in Africa.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286280
  • Publication Date: Jan 2009
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Due Diligence

David Roodman

The idea that small loans can help poor families build businesses and exit poverty has blossomed into a global movement. The concept has captured the public imagination, drawn in billions of dollars, reached millions of customers, and garnered a Nobel Prize. Radical in its suggestion that the poor are creditworthy and conservative in its insistence on individual accountability, the idea has expanded beyond credit into savings, insurance, and money transfers, earning the name microfinance. But is it the boon so many think it is?Readers of David Roodman's openbook blog will immediately recognize his thorough, straightforward, and trenchant analysis. Due Diligence, written entirely in public with input from readers, probes the truth about microfinance to guide governments, foundations, investors, and private citizens who support financial services for poor people. In particular, it explains the need to deemphasize microcredit in favor of other financial services for the poor.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286488
  • Publication Date: Dec 2011
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Cash on Delivery

Nancy Birdsall

Foreign aid has no shortage of critics. Some argue that it undermines development and inherently does more harm than good; others insist that aid must be seriously reformed to work properly. Cash on Delivery (COD) Aid proposes serious reform to make aid work well by forcing accountability, aligning the objectives of funders and recipients, and sharing information about what works.Public and private aid can improve lives in poor countries, but the willingness of taxpayers and private funders to finance aid programs depends more than ever on showing results. COD Aid is a funding mechanism that hinges on results. At its core is a contract between funders and recipients that stipulates a fixed payment for each unit of confirmed progress toward an agreed-upon goal. Once the contract is struck, the funder takes a hands-off approach, allowing the recipient the freedom and responsibility to achieve the goal on its own. Payment is made only after progress toward the goal is independently verified by a third party. At all steps, a COD Aid program is remarkably transparent: the contract, the amount of progress made, and the payment are disseminated publicly to highlight the credibility of the arrangement and improve accountability to the public. COD Aid is a new approach to foreign aid, but one that complements other aid programs and would ultimately encourage funders and recipients to use existing resources more efficiently.Cash On Delivery Aid: A New Approach to Foreign Aid explains the approach in detail and investigates its application in one sector: education. More specifically, the authors show how foreign aid agencies could use COD Aid to help developing countries achieve universal primary school education. The example illustrates how to deal with potential challenges of the approach—challenges that are no greater than those of traditional aid—and includes model term sheets for contracts that could be used for any COD Aid agreement.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286600
  • Publication Date: Apr 2011
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Oil to Cash

Todd Moss

What should a country do if it suddenly discovers oil and gas? How should it spend the subsequent cash windfall? How can it protect against corruption? How can citizens truly benefit from national wealth? With many of the world's poorest and most fragile states suddenly joining the ranks of oil and gas producers, these are pressing policy questions. Oil to Cash explores one option that may help avoid the so-called resource curse: just give the money directly to citizens. A universal, transparent, and regular cash transfer would not only provide a concrete benefit to regular people, but would also create powerful incentives for citizens to hold their government accountable. Oil to Cash details how and where this idea could work and how policymakers can learn from the experiences with cash transfers in places like Mexico, Mongolia, and Alaska.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781933286693
  • Publication Date: Jun 2015
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Combatting Corruption in the Commonwealth Caribbean

Roger Koranteng

Combatting Corruption in the Commonwealth Caribbean, has been published by the Commonwealth Secretariat to highlight the ways in which six Commonwealth Caribbean countries have made significant progress in combatting corruption. The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781848599970
  • Publication Date: Jun 2022
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The CARIFORUM and Pacific ACP Economic Partnership Agreements

Christopher Stevens

A report on the CARIFORUM and Pacific ACP Economic Partnership Agreements that analyses the detailed implications for the economies of the countries involved of commitments signed or initialled, including an indication of the broad country and region-wide effects.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290005
  • Publication Date: Feb 2009
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Stop Vulture Fund Lawsuits

Devi Sookun

This handbook distils the key lessons on best practice in negotiating loan agreements, and responding to the activities of vulture funds - funds that buy up the debt of sovereign countries at a discount in the hope of making significant profit - for the benefit of all government officials who may have to deal with these issues.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849290081
  • Publication Date: Jul 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Promoting Good Governance

Sam Agere

This book aims to show that a strong and achieving public service is a necessary condition for a competitively successful nation. The concept of good governance is linked with institutionalised values such as democracy, observance of human rights and greater effectiveness of the public sector.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850926293
  • Publication Date: Jan 2000
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

A Guide to the European Market for Medicinal Plants and Extracts

This guide describes the growth and development of the European herbal industry and includes a wealth of practical information for producers and exporters of medicinal plants and extracts. It is an indispensable tool for anyone wishing to do business with the European Union – the world's largest market for herbal medicine.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850926613
  • Publication Date: Dec 2000
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Zimbabwe Presidential Election, 9-11 March 2002

The Election Observer Group Reports are the observations, conclusions and recommendations of Commonwealth Observer Groups. The Secretary-General constitutes these observer missions at the request of governments and with the agreement of all significant political parties.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927184
  • Publication Date: Jun 2003
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Commonwealth Guidelines for the Treatment of Victims of Crime

The victims of crime are sometimes overlooked when reforming the criminal justice systems of countries. These guidelines set out best practice in this area.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927252
  • Publication Date: Jan 2003
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Citizenship Education in Small States

Patricia Ellis

These books focus on the outcomes of this project in the respective countries, providing valuable insights into the strengthening of values in a society. They set out the strategies and actions needed to support small states wishing to promote the values of good citizenship.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927306
  • Publication Date: Jan 2002
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Citizenship Education in Small States

Una M. Paul

Identity and diversity in all its forms present major challenges to countries seeking to best equip citizens with the skills to participate effectively in their diverse societies. They set out the strategies and actions needed to support small states wishing to promote the values of good citizenship.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927313
  • Publication Date: Jan 2002
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Kenya General Election, 27 December 2002

Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group for Kenya's general election held on 27 December 2002. The group was chaired by Professor Adebayo Adedeji and was comprised of 9 observers in total.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927856
  • Publication Date: Aug 2006
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

The National Assembly and Presidential Elections in Nigeria, 12 and 19 April 2003

Report of the Commonwealth Observer Group for Nigeria's national assembly and presidential elections held on 12 and 19 April 2003. The group was chaired by HE Dr Salim Ahmed Salim, former prime minister of the United Republic of Tanzania and was comprised of 14 eminent persons in total.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850927863
  • Publication Date: Aug 2006
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

A Manual of International Dispute Resolution

Anthony Connerty

A practical guide to international dispute resolution and settlement, especially in the fields of trade and commerce, investment, and intellectual property. The book will be of interest to readers worldwide who need to understand international dispute resolution processes and institutions.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780850928372
  • Publication Date: Nov 2006
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days