Open Ukraine in the Transatlantic Space

Taras Kuzio

Leading experts and political leaders from Europe and North America explore the political, economic, and foreign policy possibilities of a more politically progressive Ukraine in the heart of Europe. They investigate the obstacles that have turned Ukraine into an immobile state and offer specific recommendations that would open Ukraine by breaking its reform logjam.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780984854424
  • Publication Date: Jan 2012
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The New Frontiers of Europe

Daniel S. Hamilton

A Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS and The Calouste Gulbenkain Foundation publicationThe European Union has expanded from 15 to 25 countries, with more candidates knocking on the door. This new diversity both enriches the EU and challenges its cohesion. Is a bigger EU a better EU? Where does "Europe" end? The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation asked prominent authors from EU nations and important neighbors to examine the implications and consequences of European Union enlargement. The New Frontiers of Europe offers a range of views on the opportunities and challenges posed by these historical changes.Contributors include: Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Boris Cizelj, Antione Compagnon, Therese Delpech, Ragip Duran, Michael Emerson, Yegor Gaidar, Laszlo Halpern, Daniel S. Hamilton, Josef Jarab, Antonio Monteiro, Jiri Pehe, Jorge Sampaio, Roxanne Silberman, Jean-Claude Trichet, Emilio Rui Vilar, and Michael P. Zuckert.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9780975332597
  • Publication Date: Sep 2005
  • Availability: Special order: Usually despatched within 14-18 days

Transatlantic 2020

Daniel S. Hamilton

This volume examines fundamental societal, economic, political, and security trends affecting the EU and the U.S. over the next decade. It posits what such trends could mean for the transatlantic partnership by 2020, and, using policy scenarios, recommends the choices likely to influence those patterns.What will the rise of Asia and the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) mean for Europe and the United States? How might the consequences differ for the transatlantic partners, and what would that mean for the transatlantic partnership itself? What demographic trends will influence Europe and North America, how will the impact differ, and what effect could this have on the transatlantic partnership? How will trends in demographic change, trends in human mobility, and changes in energy sustainability affect each side of the Atlantic, how will these effects differ for each partner, and what might be the consequences for the partnership? These are the issues explored in this important study.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780984134151
  • Publication Date: Dec 2010
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Dark Networks

Daniel Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780989029407
  • Publication Date: May 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Domestic Determinants of Foreign Policy in the European Union and the United States

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781947661028
  • Publication Date: Apr 2018
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Turkey in the North Atlantic Marketplace

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781947661073
  • Publication Date: Mar 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Trade and Commercial Interactions in the Atlantic Basin

Renato G. Flores Jr.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781733733939
  • Publication Date: Dec 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Transatlantic Transformations

Daniel S. Hamilton

The United States is engaged in an ambitious agenda of defense transformation that is revolutionizing the way the U.S. military organizes, trains, fights, and even thinks about conflict. What impact will this have on America's European allies? How can NATO transform itself for the 21st century? This volume examines the implications of U.S. defense transformation for NATO, particularly how America and its allies can close the "transatlantic transformation gap"—a looming breach in strategic orientation, spending priorities, and conceptual and operational planning and training. It examines European approaches to defense transformations and charts the progress made by the Alliance from Kosovo to Kabul—while showing how far it still has to go. The authors approach the issue of NATO transformation from different perspectives. As a whole, however, their argument is straightforward. If Alliance transformation is to be successful it must include, but also go beyond, the purely military dimension. NATO must transform its scope and strategic rationale, its capabilities, its partnerships—its very ways of doing business. They offer a range of policy prescriptions for the NATO Summit in Istanbul and beyond. Contributors include Richard L. Kugler, Rob de Wijk, George Robertson, Yves Boyer, Jeffrey P. Bialos, Andrew James, Hans Binnendijk, Manfred Engelhardt and Stuart L. Koehl.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332511
  • Publication Date: Sep 2004
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Humanitarian Assistance

Julia Steets

How can the United States and Europe improve the effectiveness and impact of their humanitarian assistance efforts? A team of scholars and practitioners led by the Global Public Policy Institute and the Center for Transatlantic Relations at Johns Hopkins University conducted field-based empirical research and engaged policymakers to improve U.S.-European cooperation in four key areas of humanitarian assistance: linking relief, rehabilitation, and development; applying best practices and lessons learned; improving business engagement in emergency relief and preparedness; and considering civil-military relations in disaster response.The authors provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of the humanitarian policy debate and the relevant institutional setup in the EU and the U.S. They compare doctrines, programming principles, and geographical and sectoral priorities and propose areas where these principles and priorities can be made coherent. They also offer specific recommendations for greater transatlantic coherence and effectiveness.Contents includePart One: Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development Case Studies Southern Sudan North Kivu Afghanistan ChadPart Two: Approaches to Implementing Lessons Learned in Humanitarian Assistance Case Studies Gender in Nepal Gender in Darfur Strengthening Local Capacity in Nicaragua Strengthening Local Capacity in the Occupied Palestinian TerritoriesPart Three: Business Engagement in Emergency Relief and Preparedness Case Studies Humanitarian Firms Insuring Against Disasters Humanitarian Assistance and Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility in Emergency PreparednessPart Four: Civil-Military Relations in Disaster Response Case Studies Civil-Military Relations in Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo The Next Emergency in Kosovo Response to the 2004 Tsunami

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780980187182
  • Publication Date: Dec 2009
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Leadership in Unconventional Crises

Erwan Lagadec

We have entered the age of the unconventional crisis. In 2009 the worldwide economic recession and the A(H1N1) pandemic became the latest in a daunting series of events—9/11, the anthrax crisis, the SARS outbreak, the 2003 heat wave in Europe, the 2004 tsunami, Hurricane Katrina—that required responses beyond the standard call for more assets, planning, technical knowledge, and media training.Standard responses to unconventional crises have yielded repeated failures of leadership and imagination. This book argues that to deal effectively with complex disasters, leaders and crisis managers must be educated to think on their feet in chaotic environments; to wage a war of movement against unconventional threats. We need strategic rethinking of the meaning of leadership and resilience, in addition to mapping out new allocations of roles and responsibilities across organizations, sectors, and countries.To tackle these issues, the Center for Transatlantic Relations launched the project "Unconventional Crises, Unconventional Responses: Reforming Leadership in the Age of Catastrophic Crises and Hypercomplexity." This book describes strategic concepts and organizational tools that have been successful in confronting catastrophic and hypercomplex events.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780984134106
  • Publication Date: Oct 2009
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Global Flow Security

Erik Brattberg

The Center for Transatlantic Relations and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs have brought together strategists and experienced practitioners from many different countries to explore how long-term global trends may impact the future of critical global flows–in areas such as energy, resources, IT and communications, trade, ideas, technology, finance, and illicit flows. Policy recommendations focus on how the European Union and the United States can work together to help ensure the continuity and maintenance of these critical global flows as we look towards 2030.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772019
  • Publication Date: Dec 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Forward Resilience

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772156
  • Publication Date: Feb 2017
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Challenges of Democracy in the European Union and its Neighbors

Aylin Ünver Noi

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772064
  • Publication Date: Jul 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Eastern Question

Stefan Meister

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780990772095
  • Publication Date: Jul 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Evolving Human Security Challenges in the Atlantic Space

Nuno Severiano Teixeira

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781733733946
  • Publication Date: Dec 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Power Politics

Esther Brimmer

This volume details ideas presented at a 2008 conference on the impact of energy security issues on international political affairs. In particular, the book focuses on the human rights policies of countries in the transatlantic region. The authors discuss how European and American leaders have addressed their most important energy security vulnerabilities and what effects their responses have had on their foreign policies. The book considers whether changing the mix of energy sources and concomitant vulnerabilities might liberate international human rights advocacy and other international affairs issues.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780980187120
  • Publication Date: Apr 2009
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

France, America and the World

Daniel S. Hamilton

Changes in French and American domestic politics, together with dramatic upheavals on the international scene, offer both opportunities and challenges for a fresh start in the bilateral relationship between France and the United States. In this volume authors and practitioners from both countries offer their perspectives on joint challenges in areas ranging from global economic and security issues to questions of stability in the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa, as well as relations with Russia. The book includes recommendations for a more effective bilateral partnership.Topics and contributors include Major Strategic Challenges Leo Michel (Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University) and Bruno Tertrais (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique)The Global Economy Jean-Francois Jamet (World Bank) and Daniel S. Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations) Russia Celeste Wallander (American University) and Maxime Lefebvre (Permanent Representation of France to the European Union)The Middle East and the Mediterranean Jean-Pierre Filiu (Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris), and Ian Lesser (German Marshall Fund of the United States)Sub-Saharan Africa Nathalie Delapalme (General Inspector of Finance, Paris) and Gwendolyn Mikell (Georgetown University)Copublished with the Robert Schuman Foundation

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780980187199
  • Publication Date: Oct 2009
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Commonwealth at the Summit, Volume 4

The Commonwealth at the Summit: Volume 4 brings together the full text of declarations, statements and communiqués issued by Commonwealth Heads of Government between 2007 and 2015.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291576
  • Publication Date: Nov 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The Transatlantic Economy 2005

Daniel S. Hamilton

One of the defining features of the global economic landscape over the past decade has been the increasing integration and cohesion of the transatlantic economy. Over the past few years the Center for Transatlantic Relations has offered a series of studies examining the changing nature of the transatlantic economy in a globalizing world. The Transatlantic Economy 2005 annual report offers the most up-to-date set of facts and figures describing the deep economic integration binding European nations to America's fifty states.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780976643470
  • Publication Date: Feb 2006
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Transatlantic Economy 2022

Daniel S. Hamilton

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781947661141
  • Publication Date: Nov 2022
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days