Maldives Presidential Elections, 7 September, 9 November and 16 November 2013

The report of the Commonwealth Observer Group for Maldives's presidential election held on 7 September, the re-run election held on 9 November, and the run-off election held on 16 November 2013. The Group was chaired by Dr Lawrence Gonzi, former Prime Minister of Malta, and was comprised of 17 members in total.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291262
  • Publication Date: Feb 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Building the Resilience of Small States

Denny Lewis-Bynoe

This study refines and expands the Commonwealth resilience framework, developed to measure the resilience of small states' economies to adverse economic shocks, natural disasters and extreme weather events. It proposes policy measures for building resilience, and the areas in which key development partners can provide support.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291286
  • Publication Date: Sep 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Antigua and Barbuda General Election, 12 June 2014

The 2014 general election was conducted in a peaceful, credible and transparent manner. Voter turnout was high and the Mission commended the Electoral Commission on its management of the entire electoral process. The report makes a number of recommendations for consideration ahead of the next elections.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291316
  • Publication Date: Sep 2014
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days


This second volume of the Commonwealth Blue Economy Series, Aquaculture, explores the potential for the development of a blue economy mariculture industry, as well as specific enabling conditions that could assist in moving towards economic reality where opportunities exist.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291491
  • Publication Date: Sep 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Advancing Gender Equality

Advancing Gender Equality brings together case studies from 20 countries that demonstrate a range of strategies that can be employed to advance gender equality and women's empowerment. Together they help to show what perpetuates gender inequality and offer approaches that can be adopted to help end unjust discrimination.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291514
  • Publication Date: Aug 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The Blue Economy and Small States

Island nations have benefited from their ocean resources, with marine uses and activities contributing to their economic development. There is a growing appreciation of the critical role oceans play in sustainable economic growth and the need to manage and protect coastal and marine ecosystems that are the fundamental basis for that growth.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291569
  • Publication Date: Sep 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The Commonwealth at the Summit, Volume 4

The Commonwealth at the Summit: Volume 4 brings together the full text of declarations, statements and communiqués issued by Commonwealth Heads of Government between 2007 and 2015.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291576
  • Publication Date: Nov 2016
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

E-commerce and Digital Trade

Paul R. Baker

E-Commerce and Digital Trade reviews the current frameworks, legal issues, empirical data, WTO member states proposals, and existing literature. It is designed for policy-makers in Commonwealth small states, LDCs, and sub-Saharan African countries to participate in global work on the subject area, including the WTO work programme on e-commerce.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291682
  • Publication Date: Jul 2017
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

A Guide to Graduating from Least Developed Country Status

Jodie Keane

This publication provides tools to analyse the trade-related effects of tariff preference and how to integrate private sector consultations and survey methods to take in the perspectives of lead firms and buyers. Essential reading for policy-makers and development partners to support LDCs to adapt to the challenges arising from graduation.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291835
  • Publication Date: Dec 2018
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Gender Equality in the Commonwealth

This report documents progress made by the Commonwealth's 53 member countries in promoting gender equality and women's empowerment. It records performances on available indicators covering four themes: women in leadership, women's economic empowerment, ending violence against women and girls and gender and climate change.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291842
  • Publication Date: Mar 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Quantifying the Barriers to Services Trade in the Commonwealth

Quantifying the Barriers to Services Trade in the Commonwealth focuses on addressing policy barriers within services sectors in Kenya and Rwanda, including commercial banking, distribution and road transportation, which are key enablers of trade.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291859
  • Publication Date: Feb 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

WTO Reform

Teddy Soobramanien

WTO Reform: Reshaping Global Trade Governance for 21st Century Challenges is a valuable resource for governments, trade negotiators, journalists, academics and researchers who are attempting to sort through the complexities of the organisation and the role they can play in supporting a fairer, more inclusive WTO and multilateral trading system.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291866
  • Publication Date: Apr 2019
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

The State of the Digital Economy in the Commonwealth

This first volume in the Commonwealth Connectivity Series explores some of the issues facing policy-makers in the Commonwealth in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It provides policy recommendations that Commonwealth members can use to address the challenges and realise the benefits of the digital age.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291903
  • Publication Date: Feb 2020
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Commonwealth Economic Development Report 2019

This first volume of the Commonwealth Economic Development Report reviews macroeconomic developments across the Commonwealth, highlighting key issues through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals. It further lays out the appropriate actions Commonwealth member countries can take to arrest development challenges.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291934
  • Publication Date: May 2021
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Environmental, Social and Economic Development Provisions in Investment Contracts

Motoko Aizawa

This book provides detailed guidance for government drafters and reviewers of investment contracts in the Commonwealth to achieve fairness and balance in investment relationships with respect to environmental, social and economic development matters.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781849291965
  • Publication Date: Mar 2021
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Partners in Prosperity

Daniel S. Hamilton

One of the most dangerous deficits facing transatlantic relations today is not in trade, payments, or military capabilities. It is a deficit in understanding the vital stake Americans and Europeans have developed in the health of their economic relationship. Globalization is happening faster and reaching deeper between Europe and America than between any other two continents. The transatlantic economy generates roughly $3.5 trillion in total commercial sales a year and employs over 12 million workers in mutually "insourced" jobs. This book maps the increasingly dense web of investment, trade, and jobs that connects Europe's regions to America's states. It traces the impact of NAFTA and EU enlargement on transatlantic economic flows. It tracks intercontinental "connectivity" in the new knowledge economy, and it sets forth areas in which Europe and America continue to be global pathfinders. In the context of today's debates about globalization and transatlantic drift, this book offers some unanticipated and counterintuitive connections that have important policy implications.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780975332559
  • Publication Date: Jun 2004
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

The Transatlantic Economy 2005

Daniel S. Hamilton

One of the defining features of the global economic landscape over the past decade has been the increasing integration and cohesion of the transatlantic economy. Over the past few years the Center for Transatlantic Relations has offered a series of studies examining the changing nature of the transatlantic economy in a globalizing world. The Transatlantic Economy 2005 annual report offers the most up-to-date set of facts and figures describing the deep economic integration binding European nations to America's fifty states.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780976643470
  • Publication Date: Feb 2006
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Which Values for Our Time

Daniel S. Hamilton

Are we facing a crisis of values? In recent years various thinkers have argued that we face the end of truth (both metaphysical and scientific), the end of beauty, the end of history—even the end of man. Societal and historical ruptures, discontinuities, and radical innovations can be both cause and consequence of such thinking. Do we truly face a general crisis of meaning? Do we have the means, the tools to overcome it? Can we fathom other values able to bridge the seemingly disconnected cognitive, ethical- political, and aesthetic domains, and possibly reveal affinities between what Plato once termed the True, the Good, and the Beautiful? On the occasion of its 50th Anniversary, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation asked leading thinkers to address these questions. The result is a rich interdisciplinary examination, with contributions from Robert Kagan, Patrick Nerhot, Jean Petitot, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Zenon Pylyshyn, Jerrold Levinson, Joseph Margolis, John Keane, David Gordon, and Jean-Pierre Dupuy.

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780978882167
  • Publication Date: Oct 2007
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Deep Integration

Daniel S. Hamilton

A Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS and Center for European Policy Studies publicationOne of the defining features of the global economic landscape over the past decade has been the increasing integration and cohesion of the transatlantic economy. Globalization is happening faster and reaching deeper between Europe and America than between any other two continents.Transatlantic markets are the cutting edge of globalization. Key sectors of the transatlantic economy are integrating as never before. Europeans and Americans have become so intertwined that they are literally in each other¡¯s business. These linkages underpin a $3 trillion economy that provides up to 14 million ¡®insourced jobs¡¯ on both sides of the Atlantic. Deep integration, however, can also generate frictions when different systems rub up against each other. Neither the framework for our relationship nor the ways our governments are currently organized adequately capture these new realities.Case studies illustrate the phenomenon of deep transatlantic integration and its implications for a truly free Transatlantic Market in such sectors as aerospace and civil aviation, biopharmaceuticals, services, financial markets and telecommunications, and in such controversial policy areas as climate change and emissions trading, corporate governance and chemicals regulation.Contributors include: Richard Aboulafia (Teal Group), Matthew Dixon(Tyler and Company), Christian Egenhofer (Centre for European Policy Studies), Frederick Erixon (Timbro), Daniel Gros (SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University), Arman Khachaturyan (Armenia Telephone Company and CEPS), Karel Lannoo (CEPS), Boaz Moselle (Brattle Group), Thomas Mayer (Deutsche Bank), Joseph A. McCahery (University of Amsterdam), Jacques Pelkmans (College of Europe, Bruges, and Scientific Council for Government Policy, The Hague), James Reitzes (Brattle Group), Andrea Rendo (CEPS), Garel Rhys (Centre for Automotive Industry Research), Dorothy Robyn (Brattle Group), Francoise Simon(Columbia University and

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780976643418
  • Publication Date: Jun 2005
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Transforming Homeland Security

Esther Brimmer

In this book U.S. and European experts explore possible roles for armed services, intelligence services, and the private sector in homeland security in different countries. The contributors examine lessons learned from transformation programs for homeland security, analyze evolving conceptions of security, and suggest a joint road map for immediate and long-term policy action at national, European, and transatlantic levels. Contributors include Sandra Bell (Homeland Security and Resilience Department, RUSI), Heiko Borchert (Dr. Heiko Borchert and Co. and Dusseldorf Institute for Foreign and Security Policy, DIAS),Yves Boyer (Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique), Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen (Danish Institute for International Studies), Gerd Foehrenbach (Bundeswehr Center for Transformation), BG Gustav Gustenau (Austrian Ministry of Defense), Daniel Hamilton (Center for Transatlantic Relations), Lawrence J. Korb (Center for American Progress), Gustav Lindstrom (European Union Institute for Security Studies), Pauline Neville-Jones (QinetiQ Group plc and the UK's Information Assurance Advisory Council), and Alexander Schuller (Free University-Berlin).

  • Imprint: Center for Transatlantic Relations SAIS
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780976643449
  • Publication Date: Feb 2006
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days